Structural Test Technician

Catia V5

Technical Drawing

MS Office


•    Graduated from universities or vocational high schools’ mechanics, aircraft body engine maintenance, aircraft technology, mechatronics etc.

​​•    ​Preferably, experience with aircraft structural, environmental, vibration and acoustics tests and can assemble testing constructions. 

•    Preferably, worked with any data accusation system before

•    Preferably, proficient in technical drawing module of Catia V5 and has experience with technical drawing

•    Preferably, experience with hydraulic and pneumatic systems

•    Experience to use measuring devices

•    Advanced manual dexterity, highly motivated, able to work in an intense work tempo

•    At least 3 years of experience

•    Proficient in reading technical documents

•    Proficient in using MS Office programs

•    Analytical thinking, problem analysis and solving ability

•    ​​​​​​​Paying careful and meticulous work as principle, prone to team work

•    ​​​​​​​No travel restrictions

•    ​​​​​​​Flexible and able to adapt to busy working hours

•    ​​​​​​​For male candidates who are not related to military service or delayed for 2 years


Job Description

In Baykar Structural Testing Team;

•    ​​​​​​​Preparing test setups for UAVs

•    ​​​​​​​Assembling test constrictions

•    ​​​​​​​Routine testing and reporting

•    ​​​​​​​​Setting up the tests (sensor placement, mechanical assembling etc.) to be carried out outside of Istanbul and following the test processes