Electrical Machine Design Engineer

Electrical Machine



General Qualifications

  • Graduated from Electrical and Electrical-Electronics Engineering departments of universities.
  • Proficient in electromagnetic energy conversion and the fundamental operating principles of electrical machines.
  • Experienced in the design of electrical machines (motor/generator) and eager to further develop expertise in these areas.
  • Familiar with the operating principles of magnetized/wound, brushed/brushless electrical machines at low and high voltage power levels, capable of designing in these areas.
  • Experienced in the use of electrical machine design programs.
  • Knowledgeable in electrical machine design, prototyping, and production technologies.
  • Proficient in the processes between electrical machines, drivers, and controllers, capable of designing and interpreting in accordance with these processes.
  • Familiar with control methods for electrical machines.
  • Experienced in the use of simulation programs such as MATLAB, PSIM, Spice, etc.
  • Proficient in English.
  • Team-oriented with strong communication skills.
  • Adaptable to testing, fault detection, and fieldwork.
  • Analytical thinking and problem-solving skills.

Job Description

 Responsible for the design of electrical machines used in actuation and system architecture in unmanned aerial vehicle projects, and the development of their relationships with driver and control units, conducting necessary tests, and managing fault detection processes.

  • Electromagnetic design of electrical machines used in the generation of electrical power for unmanned aerial vehicles.
  • Analysis and simulation studies of designed electrical machines, interpretation of results, and reporting.
  • Prototyping and monitoring of the production processes of designed electrical machines.
  • Creation and verification of requirements for electrical machines.
  • Identification of required tests for designed and/or existing electrical machines and conducting these tests.
  • Monitoring, resolving, and reporting issues related to motor and driver faults occurring during testing and in the field.
  • Effective coordination with other software, mechanical, production, integration, and system management units.
  • Creating the most optimal design by evaluating reports from other design disciplines.
  • Analysis and reporting of data obtained after aircraft operations, fault situations, and motor test bench activities.