Gear Systems Desing Engineer

Mechanical Systems

Dynamic Modeling

3D Part Design


Rotor Bearing

 General Qualities

  • Graduated from Mechanical Engineering, Aircraft and Space Engineering, Aeronautical and Space Engineering or Manufacturing Engineering departments of universities with at least a bachelor's degree,
  • Strong theoretical background in Machine Design, Fluid Dynamics, Mechanical Vibrations, Tribology and Mechanical Strengths,
  • In depth knowledge and experience of gear nomenclature, gear systems, gear modelling and gear performances,
  • Experienced in 3D modeling (preferably CATIA V5) programs,
  • Worked with finite element softwares,
  • Experienced in gear strengths, durability and life analysis,
  • Advanced level of technical English,
  • In knowledge of aerospace and military standards (competence in industrial standards for gears such as MIL, SAE and ASME/AGMA Standards, knowledge of standard procedures and acceptance criterias),
  • Capable of using MS Office programs,
  • To be able of reporting and making written and oral presentations of the researches and the methods that he/she had developed,
  • Prone to teamwork and has strong communication skills,
  • Men must be free from military service for at least 2 years,

We are looking for a “Gear Systems Design Engineer” with the qualifications above.


Preffered Qualifications

  • Master's or PhD degree in Mechanical, Aeronautical, Aerospace engineering departments of universities,
  • Worked on advanced mechanical designs, advanced gear systems, finite element analysis and dynamical fluid computations,
  • Strong theoretical background in gear manufacturing methods, precise gear tolerances, advanced lubrication and fluid systems, gear tests, gear bearing, rotational system couplings, design of involute Splines and gear modifications,
  • In knowledge of dynamical load calculations, gearboxes vibration analysis, backlash calculations and gear performance-efficiency analysis,
  • Applied experience in gearbox systems; in knowledge and experience of gear tests including choosing the appropriate gear type and modelling, specifying gear quality class, specifying tolerances and required measurements, applying tests and analyzing test results,
  • Know/uses a software program for the design, analysis and optimization of gear systems in aircrafts,
  • In knowledge of geometrical dimensioning and tolerancing according to international standards.


Job description

Considering the project dynamics, the following assignments will be made;

  • Designing the gearboxes in compliance with the project’s technical requirements, modelling gears and undertaking system and subsystem’s design responsibilities.
  • Specifying gear quality levels and applying precise gear tolerances.
  • Performing gear system’s performance analysis, statical-dynamical strength analysis and fatigue-life analysis in purpose to meet standards requirements.
  • Leading the  gears to the final design step considering gear lubrications, gearbox vibrations and environmental effects.
  • Deciding on the most appropriate design solution by evaluating materials and manufacturing methods.
  • Making the necessary technical documentations.